Yachting in the Deep Caribbean

What could be more idyllic Caribbean idyllic than a seven day yachting adventure to the islands in the Southern Caribbean? Seriously, imagine boarding a decked out yacht, unpacking your bags in a luxurious cabin and setting sail to the most beautiful tropical islands and ports in Central America, Colombia and the French West Indies. Along the way, a top notch crew is there to pamper you, prepare gourmet meals and make sure you glass is always full.

Each day you seek out hidden coves, tranquil beach towns and the secret hot spots of the jet set crowd. Guides lead you on exceptional snorkeling tours in search of unique marine creatures. In the evening, sit on the deck, watch the sunset with a glass of wine in hand and chit chat about the adventures of the day as the stars in the sky begin to sparkle.

Sailing: March 15, 2014. Call 1.800.330.8820 or click here to have a Luxury Cruise Specialist contact you about booking your cabin on this Caribbean yachting vacation. PGC


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